With a good balance of direct lesson tie-ins and paperless tasks, digital worksheets mix the useful characteristics of online worksheets with the entertaining characteristics of educational games. For our tech-obsessed pupils, it's the best of both worlds! However, using digital worksheets has a lot of additional advantages for both students and teachers.

The finest of both worlds are combined in digital worksheets. In the past, teachers would use paper worksheets or workbooks to help pupils practice and assimilate the knowledge, skills, or talents they had just learned in class. If you're wondering why you should use an online digital worksheet, consider the reasons listed below:

  1. Self-Correcting

Digital worksheets provide students and teachers with rapid response, in contrast to conventional worksheets. Simply having this gives conventional worksheets a benefit. Before they fall too far behind, students can make the necessary corrections or request assistance. Additionally, since the instructor also receives this information in real-time, she/he may step in as soon as children require it. Success is a contagious part of digital worksheets. As a student has a deeper understanding of the topic, they will continue to practice and learn, applying what they have learned in class to more challenging worksheet problems.

  1. Engaging

Digital worksheets' interactive features completely engross pupils in the learning process. Students are drawn to technology with a hands-on approach, which inspires them to finish the task and develop a deeper grasp of the subject. Today's students dread writing on paper but eagerly grab for the laptop instead!

  1. Auto-Grading

If the program automatically grades the students' work, digital worksheets can save instructors' time. As a result, teachers spend less time marking worksheets and more time interacting directly with students. Teachers are more willing to create tough classes and activities when there is less tedium because they are less worried about the amount of work they have created for themselves. The classroom undergoes a significant change as a result of software that grades assignments for the instructor. Teachers are happy, and students receive more one-on-one attention.

  1. Motivational

Students are frequently encouraged and motivated by the aspects included in digital worksheets. Progress bars let people see how far they've come, which makes it easier for them to stay motivated and meet deadlines. When pupils finish an exercise, encouraging visuals and words boost their self-esteem and reduce the likelihood that they will give up on it.

Why should you use the TeacherMade App?

For many instructors, digital worksheets are brand-new. Some people might believe that a fillable pdf is the pinnacle of technology for interactive worksheets! However, new technologies like TeacherMade are always being developed to support extending classroom learning online. 

TeacherMade provides educators with a simple process for turning paper-based activities into digital ones. The app is incredibly user-friendly because it was created especially for teachers to utilize in order to post their classroom content. The program allows professors to import PDFs or images, annotate the places where students must answer, and then upload the content to Google Classroom.